Find a Thanatologist
What's a Thanatologist?
In simplest terms, a thanatologist is a professional with specialized education and/or certification in dying, death and bereavement whose professional responsibilities include working with the dying and/or bereaved.
ADEC members are primarily counselors and death educators. Read the information below to learn more.
Use this directory to Find a Thanatologist by geographic area, practice setting, or practitioner type.
Note: ADEC does not endorse any of the individuals listed nor do we make any judgment about the appropriateness of any therapist for your particular needs. The people on the list have shown enough interest in the field of thanatology to join the Association for Death Education and Counseling and to opt into this directory.
ADEC makes no attempt to verify the credentials, background or qualification of its members except those who are Certified in Thanatology (CT) or are a Fellow in Thanatology (FT).
You are encouraged to contact appropriate local licensing bodies, which may be able to provide you with information regarding individual practitioners. Gather your own information about the level of skill, interest, experience and/or other qualities of the people listed as you make your decision about thanatologists. ADEC takes no responsibility for any decisions you make, nor do we take responsibility for the outcome of any decisions you make.
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